4. Your order

4.1. Your order is an offer to buy from us.

4.2. You place your order by using the ordering process on our site. This involves selecting the goods, placing them in the shopping cart and transmitting the order to us by clicking on the “Pay Now” button. This process permits you to check and amend any errors before making an order by using the change function and/or the internet browser back button.

4.3. You must ensure that your order and any other information you supply to us is correct and you must promptly update us if there are any changes.

4.4. We accept your offer and there is a binding contract when we send you a confirmation email. However, we are not obliged to supply any goods which are unavailable, notwithstanding that we have accepted your offer. If any goods are unavailable, we will notify you of the unavailability as soon as possible and will arrange for a full refund if you have been charged.


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